Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Pronunciation Guide for Primary Characters

Character  Pronunciation
Chunef CHOO-neff
Dewar DOO-wer
Eishlynn EYE-shlin
Ferulir FARE-oo-leer
Ffraidarn fray-DARN
Herog HAIR-og
Igorg IGG-org
Lligweth LLIG-weth
Nolwedd NOHL-wed
Ogrydd OH-grid
Reesarn REESE-arn
Sigal SIG-uhl
Tolad TOE-lodd
Uriana oo-ree-AH-nuh
Vamross VAM-ross
Yothegu yoh-THEG-oo

Pronunciation Guide for Secondary Characters

Character  Pronunciation
Aethil AY-thil
Bynuth BIN-uth
Cerric KARE-ick
Daithal DAY-tul
Gwafrys gWAH-fris
Idrisir IDD-ris-ur
Llewrys LLOO-ris
Merdith MARE-dith
Morgud MORE-gedd
Nawrfinn NAWR-fin
Nnenna NEN-uh
Norsidna nore-SIDD-nuh
Oblydd OH-blid
Ofyllew OH-fill-oo
Rittan RIT-an
Rowion ROH-ee-on
Rylan RYE-lun
Shonus SHOWN-us
Vragaset VRAG-ah-set
Vudlef VOOD-lef
Yiriagha year-ee-AH-guh

Pronunciation Guide for Minor Characters

Character  Pronunciation
Cinrono sin-ROH-noh
Colwyn COLE-win
Fenwyn FEN-win
Flegaron fle-GAWR-en
Glanda GLAN-duh
Glughaid GLOO-hayd
Gwrlader GURR-lad-ur
Iefanew yaff-AN-oo
Lughras LOOg-ras
Mifrain MIFF-rane
Oblyddhus oh-BLID-us
Odwen AWD-wen
Rhifys RIFF-iss
Siagryf SHAG-riff
Siobri SHOW-bree

Pronunciation Guide for Barely Mentioned Characters

Character   Pronunciation
Afeglu ah-FEG-loo
Blaynuff BLAY-nuff
Blodwen BLOD-when
Cledwyn CLED-win
Drystan DRIST-in
Fabbrund FAB-rund
Ffighus FIG-us
Fodi   FOE-dee
Gamdral GAM-dral
Glyfryn GLIFF-rin
Gwenfar gWHEN-farr
Harg    HAWRG
Hebran HEE-brun
Idralad id-RUH-lad
Leogrwn LYO-grun
Murbres MUHR-brays
Neifydd NIGH-fid
Nesvalu NES-val-oo
Ovlenid OHV-len-id
Riaston ree-AH-stun
Rionaf ree-OH-nuff
Rioth ree-OTH
Talieryn tal-YARE-in
Tiwanon tee-WAWN-en
Tothea TOT-ya
Uridri oo-RID-ree
Wythyr WITH-ur
Zerbu ZARE-boo

Thursday, July 23, 2015

First Shipment of Printed Books

I received a box of printed copies of Yothegu's Test yesterday.  They came out pretty well.  It's cool to have a Kindle version available immediately, but it's just a different feeling to have a paper copy in your hand.  Pretty much awesome.

I've also been working on getting the book categorized correctly in Amazon and it is not as easy as one might think.  I think I'm on my fourth or fifth try.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Yothegu's Test is out and available

The Amazon author page is ready now:
The Kindle and printed versions seems to be slowly linking up.  I announced all over the place.  So, of course, I'm off to chaperon girl's camp with my oldest daughter tomorrow.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Amazon Cover

I'm publishing with a few versions.  The 'Premium' paperback through CreateSpace/Amazon.  Hardcover and 'Discount' paperback through Lulu.  I'll be exclusive through Amazon for the ebook/Kindle version for the initial 90 days at least.

Book Launch - Deep Valley: Yothegu's Test

The day has come at last that I am publishing the novel I've been working on for the past several years.  Most of the work has been in the last two, but I came up with the ideas for this book when we found out via ultrasound that we were expecting a baby boy in 2006.

Here are some blurbs I put together during the publishing process:

Lulu Author Spotlight

CreateSpace Page

The Kindle and the Amazon Printed versions should be ready in the next few days.